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Manuscript Jump-Start

Manuscript Jump-Start

This manuscript jump-start package gets your story idea out of your head and onto the page and provides a solid foundation on which to build.


  • Initial 45-minute call
  • Inside Outline & One-Page Book Summary Development Support
  • Editorial Review and Inline Edits on First 30 Pages
  • Feedback Letter
  • One 30-minute Feedback call
  • One 45-minute closeout call


6 to 8-week Commitment $800

Best For:

Authors looking for a guiding hand to begin their journey with a manuscript. This package is for Authors who, once they have direction and some initial guidance, feel they are able to move forward on their own.


“It was a treasure to have Sharon as my coach, champion, support, and wise guide on my book-writing journey. I could not have done it without her and I mean it! She took the time to listen, gave me thoughtful feedback that improved my writing, and kept me going when I wanted to hide under my bed. Without her experience, ideas, tools, and nudges I’d still be wandering around in Chapter One. Thank you, Sharon!”

–Angela Bigler