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If I Were a Dog…

What Sort of Dog Would I Be?

On his blog last week this week, Seth Godin asked a very interesting (to me) question. It was related to brand and how people see you, how they expect you to show up. He basically asked his readers to consider whether they are “a cat or a dog in the way that [they] react, respond to, delight or sneak around. And if you’re a dog what sort?”

And I instantly thought, huh, I’m a kind of guide dog. The revelation was so instantaneous, it surprised me, and I ran through my mind looking for other possibilities. Especially, since I know he didn’t mean what kind of working dog but what sort of dog, and yet, I have no other answer. I kept circling back to this idea over and over. And, TBH, I’m not really surprised.

As a lifelong learner, I have always had a desire to share with others the things I have learned, to guide them where they want to go based on what I have learned along the way. It’s why I love to do talks and presentations and workshops. It’s why I love being a Writer in Residence. It’s also why I decided to take all the elements of teaching and editing and mentoring and assemble them together into a business that focuses on what I am passionate about. Writing and books. Really good books. It’s the reason I became a Book Coach.

As a Book Coach, My mission is to is to provide book coaching with honesty and heart, to support writers in their creative journeys and help them improve their skills, and tell powerful stories that resonate with readers.

 Book Coaching entails providing writers with a lot of support and guidance in the areas of book development, writing, revising, editing, and publishing/getting published. So, I spend a lot of time helping writers get from one point to the next on their writing journeys.

So, yeah, if I were a dog, I guess I would be some kind of guide dog. 🙂


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Published inBook Coaching